TOPS, Rings of Saturn
TOPS much anticipated debut full length Tender Opposites is out now on CD, tape and Worldwide Digital via Arbutus Records and on limited edition tape in Europe via Atelier Ciseaux. Directed by Jasper Baydala Edited by Kool 3 Featuring: Jane Penny, David Carriere, Thom Gillies, Riley Fleck, Jasper Baydala, Madeline Glowicki, Ashley Ophiem, Adrian Levine, Jacqueline Lanteigne, Daisy Charles Hair Makeup: Riley Fleck Catering: Thom Gillies Styling: Marilis Cardinal Executive Producer: Sebastian Cowan Set Design: Xarah Dion Lighting: Agor Cowan Continuity: Raphaelle StandellePreston