Archvale 10 Minute Gameplay, Humble Games
Get ready for 10 Minutes of Archvale Bullet Hell Gameplay Come join the hype for the soontobereleased Archvale, where a journey awaits those with resolve This intense Bullet Hell action game, developed by Idoz, will keep you on the edge of your seat. A malicious and cruel king once ruled the land and terrorized all who faced him. He along with the fabled arch to Archvale has become the fodder for ghost stories and passed down myths. All that remains of him are the Undying; beings whom the king cursed with immortality to live out their eternity in his prisons. You and you alone can defeat the Undying and rid the world from the dark shadow the king has left. Journey across diverse regions, looting and crafting your way to better weapons and equipment. Through these upgrades, you will be able to succeed against the host of enemies that await you and stand between you and the truth about the saidtobemythic arch to Archvale. Unique Features: Augment your character to create a build that suits your pl