Amigo The Devil Quiet as a Rat ( Official Music Video)
Amigo The Devil Quiet as a Rat video by Courtney and Ray Gauger. Stream, Purchase: LYRICS There was a kid who came home red from panic and fear. Some kids at the school had beaten him way past tears. His mom cried Jesus Christ as she cleaned the blood pouring out of his ears but it was obvious that, quiet as a rat, god was nowhere near. There was a girl at the bar. She overdosed in a photo booth. Nobody found her body until last call. The pictures all showed her terrified and a loner while everyone cried what a great friend she was. And everyone treats commandments like more like a bucket list so Iʼve been been asking why I was born against Time doesnʼt respect what doesnʼt respect it and kind isnʼt a word I would use for man. If everyoneʼs made in his image and even he couldnʼt perfect it, then what the hell makes anyone think we can He had the faith of a