Jim Jarmusch: An IU Cinema Exclusive
Jim Jarmusch visited the IU Cinema in January 2020. Along with several public events and an interview as part of the Jorgensen Guest Filmmaker Series, he sat for this private interview with IU Cinema s Founding Director Jon Vickers. If anyone else was interested in the list: Howlin Wolf William Blake Greta Thunberg Sam Fuller Lucretius Abbas Kiarostami Missy Elliot Hildegard von Bingen Frank O Hara Francis Picabia June Leaf Claire Denis Gustav Mahler Anton Webern Pythagoras James Brown Andy Warhol Patti Smith Nico Sister Rosetta Tharpe Hou HsiaoHsien Joe Strummer Joyce Carol Oates Naomi Klein Joan of Arc Don Carlo Gesualdo Crazy Horse Pierre Reverdy Maya Deren Billy Eilish JeanLuc Godard