Good Trouble Only the Good Kind of Trouble S4 Is Here, Watch Season three of Good Trouble left us with so many unanswered questions Finally season four is premiering Wednesday, March 9 at 10 p. m. ET, PT on Freeform. Last season Callie (Maia Mitchell) was dealing with the twentysomething crisis; not quite the same as a midlife crisis, but just as intense. She was also back together with Gael (Tommy Martinez), but hes having a baby with Isabella (Priscilla Quintana), so the love triangle over Or is it Davia (Emma Hunton) is also in a love triangle and needs to decide if she is going to be with Matt (Erik Stocklin) or Dennis (Josh Pence). I spoke with Hunton and she said we will definitely see a resolution to the love triangle. I think one of my favorite arcs in this whole series is specifically in season four and Davias love for herself. I think we all know that you cant be in a healthy relationship unless youve done the work and you love yourself. Season four also introduces a new characte