SOTT Earth Changes Summary April 2021: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
A sudden pressure difference between Greenland and northern Europe triggered a massive Arctic cold blast that plunged temperatures to historical records throughout Europe. The extreme cold arrived less than a week after a local recordwarm period at the final days of March. The thermometers in Capanna Margherita, Italy plunged to 33, 2C, while Novi Vasi, Slovenia registered an alltime national record of 20C. The UK was also hit by a new national April cold record with 6C, just a few days after an alltime record for March of 15, 4C in Eskdalemuir. And while we are there, the Alps also reported the coldest April outbreak in history. Very low temperatures with recordbreaking cold and damaging frost were also reported in parts of France, Germany, and Croatia. A cold blast from the Arctic Ocean pushed Alaska into a deep freeze breaking two records for snowfall and low temperatures in two consecutive days. The historic storm ranked among the most intense snowfalls since records started. The snow cover r