Brazilian Gringo Style ( Parody Psy Gangnam Style)
Brazilian Gringo Style is the story of a gringo who leaves his war torn country and moves to Brazil to become an English teacher. The story is told with lyrics English, Portuguese and Spanish. Click to turn on subtitles. I made this video to give people an idea of what life in Brazil is really like, and to counter the stereotypes that are often heard abroad. Many thanks to Max Karon and Sergio Duá for their help in creating the audio. Porque eu fiz este video: 4 Reasons to Teach English in Brazil: Learn more about teaching English in Brazil at Lyrics, Letra: Sai do meu pais e fui buscar uma outra terra Não gosto do governo que só sabe fazer guerra Todos seres humanos fazem parte da familia Não brigue com a sua familia So I came to Brazil And now I m teaching English to these cute Br