Roasting Sarah Jessica Parker I South Park S14 E02
Hi guys, extremely offensive, extremely funny :). If you love South Park, you can BUY some COOL MERCH and DONATE my Channel: IF YOU WANT SUPPORT MY CHANNEL FACE MASK COON FACE MASK STAN TSHIRT RANDY TSHIRT CARTMAN COFFEE MUG TEGRIDY FARM PILLOW TEGRIDY FARM Check out another GODDAM Funny video: BEST OF Randy Marsh is VOBMITING Roasting Sarah Jessica Parker Roasting Morgan Freeman is reading The Poop The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs . .. and dont forget to have a lot of FUN and a great day :) If you enjoyed this video, please Share, Like, Subscribe I will really appreciate it Fair use: this video, along with the audio, have been uploaded for entertainment purposes only.