The Free Design Kites Are Fun (1970)
Kites Are Fun is a song by American group The Free Design from their debut studio album by the same name. Kites Are Fun is a 2minute41second soft pop song switching between the keys of E major and A major, with a tempo of 138 beats per minute. The vocals range from F, 3 to B4. The song is carried by instruments such as acoustic guitar, tambourines, bass guitar, soft drums and a flute. The song, written by Chris Dedrick and produced by Enoch Light, is themed off of childhood and uses kites to symbolize youth, innocence and memories, describing a group of children, presumably the Dedrick siblings, running, laughing and flying kites in a field far away from their parents because they don t realize how fun kites On the Bside is a song titled The Proper Reception and chartsedit source A writer for Billboard magazine called it an interesting rhythm item by a unique pop group, said it had some of the f