Fat Reese Bass in Massive Tutorial (free Presets VJ Clips included)
Download presets and vj clips here: Since our fret1 video seems to be doing quite well on YouTube as well as Vimeo, we decided to complete the cycle by unraveling a bit of the production magic in three indepth fret tutorials. In this first tutorial, Durk shows how to create the heavy ripping bassline modulations as the are applied in the second half of fret1. Fret1 might be a very abstract production all together, but still, the synthesis of both video and audio are kept very basic. This kind of makes it a showcase of what avarage production software has to offer, without getting lost in detail, both on an audio as on a visual level. In this tutorial, Durk unravels the Massvie patch responsible for the heavy ripping bassline featured in the video (also downlodable in the link mentioned earlier). Eventhough the music in fret1 is very sounddesign like, the electronic instruments which are used are perfectly ca