A Ha Take On Me ( Bass Cover) ( Play Along Tabs In Video)
BECOME A PATRON TO GET SONGS, TABS: WEBPAGE: BUY TAB PLAYER (GO PLAYALONG): BUY TAB EDITOR (GUITAR PRO): TIP JAR: TWITCH: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TSHIRT, MUG, STICKER: Tips And Comments: Playing Technique: Played next to the bridge withmiddle strength. Both pickups on, full tone Gear Sound: Added low and high end, cut some mids (trying to emulate a kind of synth was not my goal really, just making it sit better on the song) Compression added and some chorus (stereo) About The Song: Transcribed from the studio version with help of clips and live videos (originally synth keyboard, adapted to bass) Need more tips Jus br, br,