Presenting the Job Actions Trailera showcase of the battle actions for all jobs, including the new viper and pictomancer jobs coming in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail. 00:00 Intro 00:37 Dragoon, Chevalier dragon, Dragoon 01:36 Paladin, Paladin, Paladin 02:33 Warrior, Guerrier, Krieger 03:20 Astrologian, Astromancien, Astrologe 04:22 Dancer, Danseur, Tänzer 05:11 Reaper, Faucheur, Schnitter 05:58 Red Mage, Mage rouge, Rotmagier 06:47 Machinist, Machiniste, Maschinist 07:47 Ninja, Ninja, Ninja 08:37 Sage, Sage, Weiser 09:20 Black Mage, Mage noir, Schwarzmagier 10:24 Viper, Rôdeur vipère, Viper 11:23 White Mage, Mage blanc, Weißmagier 12:29 Monk, Moine, Mönch 13:27 Dark Knight, Chevalier noir, Dunkelritter 14:28 Bard, Barde, Barde 15:27 Summoner, Invocateur, Beschwörer 16:52 Samurai, Samouraï, Samurai 17:46 Scholar, Érudit, Gelehrter 18:36 Pictomancer, Pictomancien, Piktomant 20:09 Gunbreaker, Pistosabreur, Revolverklinge FINAL FANTASY XIV: On Sale NA: EU: FR: DE: , FF14, FFXIV, Dawntrail