Dark Souls How to get the Crimson Set early
Robes of the sorcerers who flooded New Londo to seal away the Darkwraiths, and the Four Kings who descended into Dark. The Sealers were once known as healers, and the bright crimson was a symbol of that. To get the Crimson Set early you need the Master Key as a starting gift, so you can open the door to the Valley of Drakes. Go into the cave on the right, Run past the 3 Infested Barbarian with Large Clubs and at the dead end go down 3 ladders and kill the Cragspider (the large fire breathing bug) or it will follow you and Giant Mosquito at can Poison you kill them as well. Drop down to the platform with the tree branches are and slowly walk across but there will be Infested Ghoul at blow Toxin dart at you (Toxin is more stronger then Poison), when you get to the platform on the other side there will be 1 more Cragspider walk around it. Walk to the end of the platform there will be a corpse and a chest beside it, on the corpse you will get the Crimson Set and Tin Banishment Ca