Beautiful Machines: Control The Matrix: Resurrections
Control The Matrix: Resurrections: We are living in a world that is relentlessly tied to technology. As a people, we are fed streams of information at an ever increasing rate. Information that we seek, or that finds us. Information with purpose to shape our behavior, influence us in some way to take an action, to motivate us, to shift our perspective or change our will. Information that seemingly offers you a choice of a great many things you can experience, have, or become. The careful observer of our current phenomenon will understand that the choice we are provided (even the ones we seem to arrive at on our own) are part of the illusion of choice, commanded by certain agendas. We see the rise of ideas like social credit from authoritarian governments, increased surveillance, big data gathering at mindboggling scales, global restrictions, nationalism, division, people and organizations in positions of power devising new ways to remain in power and to exercise their power. This is a sto