Top 5 DD House Rules You Should Try, House DM
Hey y all, this is a video I ve been looking to make for awhile and I ve finally done it. House rules are one of my favorite aspects of playing D D 5e and I love finding ways to hack it and adjust the rules to suit the kind of game I want to run. Here are 5 Dungeons and Dragons 5e house rules that I have playtested quite extensively and I believe you should really consider trying out at your table. Let me know if any of these rules really resonate with you or helped improve your D D 5e campaign. Cheers 00:00 Intro 00:30 Group Initiative 01:48 Fix Resting Mechanics 03:55 Secret Info 04:25 Really Solid Advice 04:50 Player Facing Combat 07:01 Improved Critical Hits 08:05 Bonus Action Potions 09:02 Honorable Mention House Rule 09:38 THE Most Important Question 10:21 Roll to Help House DM Become a House Guild Member on Patreon: Questing on Instagram: