JAMES ROLFE ( AVGN, CINEMASSACRE) Double Toasted Interview
JAMES ROLFE (AVGN, CINEMASSACRE) Double Toasted Interview You may know him as the Angry Video Game Nerd, you may have sang his theme song or watched him since Season 1 or since he s been beating up Bugs Bunny, but although he s known for his new videogame, his reviews of earthbound, Godzilla, Ghostbusters, Star Wars and more. .. he s also the man behind the great success of Cinemassacre. Whether it s Godzillathon, or him doing Rental Reviews, or talking about King Kong and other huge properties in film, Cinemassacre has been putting incredible content for more than a decade. We hope that you guys enjoy this interview, and have a fun time getting to know James Rolfe, the man behind the anger, in one of our favorite conversations that we ve had on this channel, .