SP Racing F3 Firmware Upgrade
SP Racing F3: Taranis Q X7: M7 Gimbal: RXSR: Best FPV Deals Coupon t. me, bestFPVdeals Specs: 35x35mm board, 30mm mounting holes. STM32F3 CPU. Highcapacity Flash (Acro 6DOF and Deluxe 10DOF) MPU6050 Accelerometers and Gyroscopes MS5611 Barometer (Deluxe 10DOF) HMC5883 Compass (Deluxe 10DOF) MicroUSB socket. 4 x 4 pin JSTSH Socket (I2C, SWD, 2xuart) 2 x 8 pin JSTSH Socket (PPM, PWM, SERIAL RX, GPIO, ADC, 3V, 5V, GND) 8 x 3 pin thoughholes for pin headers for ESC, Servo connections. 2 x 4 pin thoughholes for the 2x serial ports. 2 x 2 pin thoughholes for battery voltage and buzzer. RELATED VIDEO: SPRacing F3 Firmware Upgrade: SP Racing F3 Sbus Telemetry Setup: SP Racing F3 iBus Setup Sub to my channel Join my Patreon MUSIC: Wonder LAKEY INSPIRED