Circus Is Royal Fun Aka Circus In Royal Fun (1959)
Title reads: Circus is Royal Fun. Bertram Mills Circus, Olympia, London. Various shots of Douglas Kossmayer with his Palominos, zebras and ponies running round the circus ring. C, U of woman with young baby pointing. Panning shot Schumann s horses: four men standing on horseback with girls on their shoulders all wearing Hussar costumes. C, U small girls eating apples. C, U small boy turning his head and laughing. Small girl clapping. C, U small girl sucking lolly. C, U little girl looking at circus act with her mouth open. C, U schoolboy laughing. M, S of Princess Margaret seated in Royal box. Various shots of Gusta Kruse, elephant trainer with an elephant driving a car. Several clowns run around car. Various shots of Coco the clown waving his arms and laughing, midget runs up behind Coco and pulls his trousers off (this is Coco s 30th Anniversary in the circus). CU Coco smiling, his hair stands on end. Zoom into acrobat Gina spinning on her spinning moon. Tightrope walker Atilana on high wire.