Giant RC Airliner BUILD, FLIGHT, CRASH all in 1 video
STL Files: Propeller Wall Art: RTF wight: 3, 360 grams Wingspan: 1. 6m Length: 2m Print time: 220hrs 2kg of PLA Thank you so much for watching If you like videos like this, consider buying me a coffee, it really supports me: See what else I am working on: , 3DPrinted, ,RCAirplane, ,ItFlies Bangood: 2x 70mm EDFs: (code: BGaf9c2e, 80amp ESC: 6x ES08MDII Servo: (code: BGES08MDII, 15OFF) Serov Tester: Banggood Summer Prime Sale: Saving RC Sale: Tools and Electronics This is an awesome Printer I highly recommend: