How to make a beaded botua, ,potli bag, bead purse
This is a tutorial on how to make a potli beaded bag, beadbag, beadedbag, potlibag 8mm pearl beads 4mm metallic Gold beads 8mm round beads (black) Fishing line (50lb) Pliers 0:00 Start 0:20 Materials 0:38 How to start it off 4:30 End of first part 10:20 End of 2nd part 10:26 Completed circle 13:42 Start weaving from bottom to top 18:00 adding desired colored beads (continuation) 25:00 How to add your own bead string , beautifulnecklaces, 2020trends, etsy, uniquenecklaces, crystal, gem, golden, fashionjewelry, style, trendy, love, gemstones, jewelrygram, bling, stone, necklace, beautiful, jewellery, blingbling, accessories, stones, jewelery, instajewelry, gems, crystals, jewelryaddict, design, gemstone, jewels, gold, ootd, silver, jewelry, crystal, gem, golden, fashionjewelry, style, trendy, love, gemstones, jewelrygram, bling, stone, necklace, beautiful, jewellery, blingbling, accessories, stones, jewelery, instajewelry, gems, crystals, jewelryaddict