Quilling Comb Figure ( Quick Tips) Karen Marie Klip Papir
This is a Quick Tip for one of the Comb figures used in the February Mandala. KarenMarie Klip Papir WEBSHOP: Facebook: KarenMarie Quilling Karenmarie Quilling Karen Marie Quilling Quilling is a paper hobby for creative. Its easy to get started. The material is paper strips of different widths, eg 3mm, 5mm, 10mm, 15mm and 35mm. The strips are rolled, wound and shaped, sometimes cut as well. The most widely used tools are Quillingpen, Quillingcomb, Form Finger, circle Template, tweezers, pins, scissors, foamboards and gauges. The most amazing works can be created with the quill figures and techniques. Its good for the fine engine to quill and its not difficult, so everybody can quill, however, most children must be around 8 years old. Mindful Quilling: Many feel a great calm working with quilli