Dinosaur, Official Trailer, Hulu
Created by Matilda Curtis and Ashley Storrie, Dinosaur follows Nina (Ashley Storrie), an autistic woman in her 30s, who adores living with her sister and best friend, Evie. They have a routine, and they understand each other like no one else could until Evie rushes into an engagement after only six weeks. Nina is forced to grapple with her sisters impulsive decision whilst navigating love, sisterhood and her life as its turned upside down. About Dinosaur Ninas life is turned upside down when her best friend and sister Evie rushes into an engagement. Everything is about to change. SUBSCRIBE TO HULUS YOUTUBE CHANNEL Click the link to subscribe to our channel for the latest shows updates: START YOUR FREE TRIAL FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Instagram: Hulu on Twitter: Facebook: ABOUT HULU Hulu is the l