Invasion Of The Riviera (1944)
Title reads: First Pictures of Invasion of Riviera. South of France. Various L, Ss of convoy of invasion barges heading for the South of France, barrage balloons fly above them. High angled shot one of the craft. Great C, Us of American soldiers in landing craft listening to officer giving orders. Various shots of soldiers cleaning weapons, preparing for the assault. Air to air shots of Dakotas towing gliders to support invasion. Various shots of Naval barrage from allied ships off the coast. Various shots of landing craft heading towards shore. L, S of mass parachute drop. M, S of paratroopers jumping from aeroplane . Various shots of German soldiers who have surrendered and rowed out to one of the convoy fleet in a rubber dinghy. The German s are helped aboard an Allied warship and voluntarily become prisoners of war. Various shots of landing craft heading towards land, they are partially hidden by smoke screen. M, S of men on one of the landing craft as they head towards the beach. Var