Garry Cross Анжела (love metal version of the 1993 song, v2)
ANGELA When a boredom suddenly finds you, It can be so unbearably difficult banish and now comes the hour of memories About the wonderful time when above us the star of love was maybe it was, Just a young so why hasnt it cooled down After all, our novel has sunk into the summer without a trace, Its time for me to forget it but no, it hurts. But, nevertheless, I feel it with every cell of my body You couldnt forget me either. Not so easy to forget: And the joy of our first meetings, Naive words simple speech, And how they could not save such a bright love. My angel, the savior, We cant get along with fate, Not to return to the past My guardian angel, Your name is with me, Forever with me, In my heart forever But somehow an accident brought us face to face, And I got bored with my hopelessness cold how far we have beco