slash couples, find a way
I m feeling all squishy and lovely lately and I m only listening to these kind of songs and there s this massive loveoverload that I can t handle without vidding tons of gay couples xD soo I thought why not put all of them in one video :) and. .. I realized how much I actually slash. . srsly, SLASH ALL THE THINGS massive shipping alert and stuff In order of appearance the ships are: Sherlock, John BBC s Sherlock Holmes, Watson Sherlock Holmes Edmund, Caspian Narnia 3 Neal, Peter White Collar Oscar, Bosie Wilde Dustfinger, Farid Inkheart Martin, Rudi Knockin On Heaven s Door Ennis, Jack Brokeback Mountain Charles, Erik XMen: First Class Mark, Eduardo Social Network John, Sam I am Number 4 Steven, Phillip I Love You, Phillip Morris Alexander, Hephaistion Alexander Arthur, Eames Inception Thor, Loki Thor T br, br,