STUDY WITH ME at a Cafe, Coffee Shop Ambiance 1 Hour Study With Me (no music, rain ASMR)
1 Hour Study With Me at a café, with Rain ASMR since it s raining outside I find it a really great ambiance to study It s always better to have a little bit of motivation, have a nice study time everyone A few words about me: I am originally from France and I am currently working and studying in Montreal, Canada. I make Study With Me videos and vlogs about my daily life and the places I like to go to. You can use Study With Me videos as a study buddy to find motivation when you re studying. It s always better when we work together If you like this video, you can Like Subscribe to support my channel. Thank you so much for your support subscriber count: 425 INSTAGRAM: celinecatm Subscribe to Epidemic Sou br, br,