After Effects Freeze Frame and Hold Last Frame Tutorial
After Effects tutorial show how to freeze frame and hold the last frame in After Effects. In this video, we will use a 3D animation for demonstration, we can move the current time indicator and right click to choose Freeze Frame and Hold the Last Frame for where the current time indicator located. Also, the last part of video it will show how to make Stop and Go video with multiple layers. Steps are easy to follow for After Effects beginners. I hope this helps. Thank you for watching this video, feel free to share this video with your friends. More sharings on official website : Watch more After Effects Tutorials here, After Effects Tutorials in this YouTube video playlist : Timestamp 0:00 Intro After Effects Freeze Frame, and Stop and Go 0:10 Import Footage Video into Composition 0:32 Freeze Frame in AE 0:59 Hold and stop on Last Frame 1:18 After Effects Stop and Go setting Have fun with CG, lets create. , cgian, aftereffects, tutorial