Tiny Bioshock Infinite, Tilt Shift
Using Tilt Shift to turn the city Columbia from Bioshock Infinite into a miniature world. Its various locations shrunk down and inhabitants waddling around going about their daily lives as if they were little toys. Patreon: Subscribe for more Twitter: About the game BioShock Infinite is a firstperson shooter video game developed by Irrational Games and published by 2K Games. Bioshock Infinite is set in an alternate history and follows Booker DeWitt, sent to a city in the sky to find a woman named Elizabeth, who has been held captive most of her life. Credits Music: Lighter Than Air Bioshock Infinite Soundtrack Garry Schyman Reshade About the Channel Tiny Game Worlds is all about seeing the scenery and worlds of video games from a completely different perspective, using techniques like and similar to Tilt Shift in video games to make the world appear smaller.