v4flower HYPERDONTIA Original Song Collaboration
Check out the prequel to this song, Novocaine : IT S DONE FHFHUFICNNGH FINALLY AFTER LLLLIIIIIIITERALLY OVER A YEAR. I T S DONE. edit: BANGING POTS AND PANS DONT FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DONT FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DONT FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERDONTIA DONT FORGET CREEP WAS A PART OF HYPERD And now a word from our sponsor (Crep): THANK GOD THIS IS DONE Okay, but this was a really fun song to do with Ghost, even though the events that lead up to really all ew. But this was seriously so cool and fun, and I d totally do this again the discourse. I can t believe Ghost wrote about my old job smh Instrumental, mixing, mastering (for both vocals and instrumental), video: Creepp, Eyeris Vocal instruental melodies, vsqx, tuning, lyrics, art: GHOST iTunes: h