Mega R Type Sega Genesis Demo Coming Soon
A demo for the project 30+ years in the making Follow the making of Mega RType: Game Credits: PROGRAMMING GFX : TheRoboZ (Andrea Baldiraghi) Dedicated to my Son, Dorian. Arcade GFX Rips: Goemar (Richard Carsten666 Carsten1349 Mega Remix Music: CYBERDEOUS (Cyan laurentcrouzet) Arcade Amiga Music : CLBNA (ClbnaVgm) Based on original arrangements by Masato Ishizaki and Chris Hulsbeck Artworks : SEGA16BITOST SEGA16BITOST Thomas Pringle thomaspringle1 Testing : CYBERDEOUS CLBNA Carsten666 Michael T NXG SGDK Libraries : StephaneD MegadriveDev Mega Drive Hardware Courtesy of Alberto Daglio