The Dursleys 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter ASMR, household chores, Hogwarts Acceptance Letter
The Dursleys 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter ASMR, household chores, Hogwarts Acceptance Letter Welcome to The Dursleys. Keep an eye out for your Hogwarts acceptance letter that should arrive in the mail any minute now. Follow Petunia Dursley as she goes about doing her daily chores around the house. A mischievous houseelf causing a ruckus is sure to be spotted if you look for him. And let s not forget about Dobby, he s also in the house Wondering around, looking for Harry Potter We also should welcome Ron Weasley for driving all the way here to visit his best friend Harry. , Hogwarts acceptance letter, TheDursleys, 4PrivetDrive , DudleyDursley, PetuniaDursley, VernonDursley, vacuum, cleaningsounds, HarryPotter, Hogwarts letter How many different animations can you spot Write what you see and the time you see them in the comments. For behind the scenes an