Nuit De Noel AI Cover by Mark Almond
In 1925, this song was written by Alexander Vertinsky. Mark Almond sang it in the album Heart on Snow. Here s a taste of how AI will sing it. Replay neural network used, aivoice, aicover, cover, romance Живой голос, разумеется, отсутствует. Использованы нейросети Replay и Kits. Видео ряд: промты из текста песен в и by Mertvezki Vocaloid s Voicebanks Vocaloid: CYBER SONGMAN II, FUKASE, OLIVER, MIKU, MAIKA, CYBER DIVA II, Megpoid, BRUNO, CLARA, SOFT: Vocaloid 5, Logic X, Muvizu, ММD, Cartoon Animator 4, Adobe Premiere Mertvezki Original Songs