Special Football With The Lid Off (1952)
Irish Special Dalymount Park, Dublin, Eire, Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland. MV Stage and Press team taking field (first seven for super title). GV Packed Ground. MV Parade of teams, Noel Purcell carrying huge fountain pen. CU Purcell with pen. SV Pan. stage artists carrying huge mallets and wearing massive fur coats followed by another stage artist warming hands against back of fur coat. SV Crowd. SV Noel Purcell now wearing beard sitting in pram barber s chair. SCU Midget, Mickser Reid, sharpening razor. SCU Purcell covered with soap has beard chopped off. He scoops eyeful of soap SV Man dressed as King Farouk arriving. Pan to barrel being rolled. CU. Farouk, pan to bride being disrobed SV Teams posing for picture. SV. Team breaking from group. SV Referee on a stretcher arriving under mockpolice escort SV Frank Hopkins (organiser) and Mayor, Alderman A. Clarkin carrying. ball arriving. SV Mayor throwing ball to start game. MV Packed stand. SV Stage tackling. SV Barricaded goal. Drum