Punishing Gray Raven SSS+ Physical Warzone Demonstration Dark Theme Skins ( Free skins)
Q: Who are these characters A: Bianca Abystigma Alisa Echo, Rosetta you should know by now. Q: When are they coming out on global A: Bianca Abystigma is assumed to be around September 2023 Alisa Echo should be around June, July 2024 Q: As a F2P, what should I do and who should I get A: Bianca Abystigma needs SS3 and Signature Weapon (Hecate) 15000 BC S 500 Paincage skulls SS 15000 BC SS3 7500 Weapon Tickets or get 70 d A: Echo Alisa needs SS3 and Signature Weapon (Astraea) 15000 BC S 50 free fragments in a new Dorm Shop SS You need 100, 000 or 100k Currency, Which is maybe 23 weeks of hoarding currency. You roughly get about 70008000ish a day after unlocking all the commission slots. 100 Paincage skulls, 10 fragments SS3 7500 Weapon Tickets or get 70 d Q: What Memories and Affix do they use A: Bianca Abystigma 4 Signature (Charlotte) + 2 Cottie with 6x Atk, Crit, Ultimate