The Dimetrodon
Although the start to winter hasn t been great on the East Coast, we all get by with some help from our friends. Friend of the Syndicate TJ Thran invited the Rome Vermont crew over for some backyard boarding. At a communal property modeled after a dinosaur, TJ, the crew, and Sugarbush Parks digger Urris White scraped together what little natural snow was on the ground to create a day for the ages. A great reminder of how boarding with the homies can turn any day into the best day ever: the Dimetrodon provides. Featuring Max Lyons, Ralph Kucharek, Kirk Teare, Noah Coville, and Joey Leon. Filmed and edited by Devin Bernard Special thanks to TJ Thran, Urris White, Emma Limburg, Justin Bouchard, the HallChojniki family.