Dr William Pierce Titanic Wilhelm Gustlolf Soviet Atrocities Maritime Disaster
1997 Radio broadcast on certain elements trying to put the genie back in the bottle in manipulating the mass silver screen watchers, TV into believing the Titanic was the worst maritime disaster and not the unknown Wilhelm Gustlolf outside Germany. A transport carrier originally used as a tourist ship in peace under the strength through joy organisation for cheap holiday schemes for manual labourers on the breadline, only to used as a rescue ship in war. 8000 died in Icey Baltic sea after being hit by a submarine in Jan 1945 going to East Prussia to northern Saxony. Most were women children. The butcherer of the Soviet trash launched the torpedo said he would do it again through envy manifested in misplaced hatred of the noble peoples, much like the antiWhite Marxists of today. Incidentally, the sister ship of the gustloff was stolen by the British only to used as a carrier to bring in the first mass nonWhite immigrants to Britain in the windrush ship in 1948.