Developing Micronaut applications with Intelli J IDEA
Speaker details: Iván is a Senior Software Engineer and Systems Administrator with 14 years of experience. He is a core member of the Micronaut and Grails teams at Object Computing, Inc. (OCI). He discovered Grails about 8 years ago and since then he develops almost exclusively using Groovy and Java. Iván is the creator of Grails plugins, including PostgresqlExtensions and SlugGenerator. He s also the coordinator of the Madrid Groovy User Group (MadridGUG), the previous organizer of the Greach Conference, and a frequent speaker at many global conferences including: Devoxx, SpringOne 2GX, GR8Conf, Greach, ConFoo, GGX, Codemotion, GeeCon, Spring IO, RigaDevDays, and JavaCro. You can find Iván on Twitter Iván López