when the filmmakers get stuck with an unlikable character
, ironman, mcu, videoessay , , Support my channel on Patreon: Chat with me on Discord: Iron Manthe movie, and character, that started it all. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is massive. But what if I told you that Iron Man and Tony Stark were so unknown by most mainstream audiences that they had to make animated Iron Man advertorial films ahead of release to show kids he wasn t just a robot That he was as cool as SpiderMan or The Hulk. What if I told you that Stan Lee created Iron Man knowing full well that the character was an inherently unlikeable person, daring himself to make audiences like him anyway And how on earth did the MCU, and Robert Downey Jr. for that matter, manage to keep Tony Stark and Iron man interesting over the course of an entire decade let s talk about it. Written Edited by Danny Boyd MUSIC: Juniper by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source: Artist: Special Moment by Dixxy Attribution license Source: