Review: Storm Thorgerson Aubrey Po Powell interviewed re: record cover design
Review: Storm Thorgerson Aubrey Po Powell interviewed re: record cover design THE EARLY YEARS + OUT NOW + 6 Individual Volumes available as Multidisc Bookbound packages + Featuring Rare Tracks, Demos, Interviews, and Film Footage + Each Year CD, DVD BluRay package includes Photo Book Memorabilia Delicate Sound of Thunder, restored, reedited, remixed, out now PINK FLOYD SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Twitter Instagram Spotify YouTube Apple , PinkFloydFriday, PinkFloyd, Live, RogerWaters, RichardWright, DavidGilmour, NickMason, PinkFloydFridays, Live, ProgRock, Floyd, 1971, AtomHeartMother, RecordCover, Review