Spider Man: The Animated Series (season 5, episode 3)
Unclaimed legacy Release date: 092697 Plot: The second chapter opens directly following the first. SpiderMan is able to rescue Robbie and escape the explosion. The following day, Peter and Robbie come across a Russian police officer Boris Pushkin who claims to have known Peter s parents. When they ask his wife about him, the officer, Rhienholdt Kragov, threatens that Peter and Robbie will be arrested if they don t leave. SpiderMan is subsequently suspicious of Kragov and spies on him, discovering that the Chameleon had tiedup and impersonated Kragov. SpiderMan is then defeated, rendered unconscious, and taken to Kingpin by the Insidious Six. The Kingpin reveals his plans to use the Doomsday Device. SpiderMan, the Six, Kingpin are then kidnapped by The Wildpack who attacks the building. Later they find themselves at Chernobyl NPP in Ukraine at the clutches of The Red Skull.