Blue Archive The Cherino Experience
Did you guys pull for her Should you pull in this banner To make it short, Cherino quite useful for clearing a large group of yellow or heavy armor enemies, however she is pretty bad at PVP due to high cost ex skill plus she isn t limited time banner character. I cannot recommend anyone to pull for her especially if you already have Momoi and Midori. Took me a few nights to finish the video since I am short of time during the day due to rl things :D Credits, BGM: 1) ブルーアーカイブ チェリノ BGM Blue Archive Cherino Theme Ivan. Kupala Event OST 2) Alan Aztec (feat. Uamee) Mother Russia. 3) katyusha HARDBASS ft. girls with panzer cosmowave Omlete . , BlueArchive, Cherino, Nadoka