Kinjaz RKCB Daydreaming ( Virtu Remix), Dance Is Our Sport
Dance Is Our Sport An inspired piece from a recent trip to Beaverton, OR Filmed at the LA Garage on the Nike WHQ Campus Directed by: The Kinjaz Choreography and Freestyles by: VillN Mpact, Darren Wong, Keone Madrid, Bam Martin, Vinh Nguyen, Tony Tran, Charles Nguyen, Pat Cruz, Anthony Lee, Mike Song Performed by: mikeosong, xtonytran, anthonylee, charlesvnguyen, v1nh, bammartin, patcruz, keonemadrid, villnlor, mpactlor, btekbenchung, mikefal, jawnha Filmed, Edited by: VIBRVNCY Music: RKCB Daydreaming (Virtu Remix) Produced by: LeeJ Razalan razalan, Amy Williamson 366daysofkicks Special Thanks: Jupiter Desphy, Kelsey Buck, Wesley Chan, the Shih family, Sean Hsieh, Cheyenne Kibblewhite, Stephanie Jones Go forth, and join the, ARMYofKIN on our social media OFFICIAL WEBSITE MERCHANDISE Kinjaz TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: BOOKING: