Supernatural, Rock This Party
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD THIS VID ON YOUR CHANNEL I m asking you to be respectable to me and to all people whose vids I used (read credits) Vidder: DearigDaio Title: Supernatural, Rock This Party Song: Rock This Party (Everybody dance now) Artist: Bob Sinclar Summary: Everybody dance now A, N : Have to say I m soo happy I finally made this vid. It s small but makes me feel so good. To tell the truth I don t like this song so much but it fits so well for boys so I can t help it) About credit line and music I used I ve no idea why this song))) I didn t want to fuck up gag reels, but no idea why Haddaway I d like to say huge thanks to all guys who shared with us different vids from Cons. Thanks to Gonturan74 for Supernatural SDCC 2010 Panel Part 2 of 7 Thanks to 3HeadedMonkey for Comic Con 2010 Supernatural Panel clip 1 br, br,