Lemon Balm Benefits and Side Effects + Relaxing Lemon Balm Tea Recipes
Calming, delicious and powerfully medicinal, there are so many lemon balm benefits I share the many reasons to welcome lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) into your life in this video, as well as discuss some very misunderstood lemon balm side effects. Finally, you ll find three lemon balm tea recipes to enjoy: delicious, calming, supportive to digestion, nourishing to the nervous system, and more LINKS Access your recipe card here: Are you looking for high quality herbs My recommendation is Mountain Rose Herbs. Dried lemon balm, lemon balm hydrosol, lemon balm extract, lemon balm seeds (if youd like to grow your own) and more lemon balm herbal products are all available, along with various teamaking accoutrements. Click here to check them out: Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine: