New Killer Pinhead The Cenobite Mori, Perks, Add Ons more, Dead by Daylight PTB
First time trying out The Cenobite, better known as Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. This new Killer is currently available on the PTB for Dead by Daylight on PC and will come to the live servers on most platforms in usually two or three weeks. This is a Paragraph and not a chapter, so there s no Survivor this time. Some leaks have speculated that a Survivor will be added soon afterwards. Pinhead has a standard 32m terror radius and 4. 6m, s (115) movement speed. His main ability involves the use of a possessed chain to grab and slow down Survivors. On top of that, Survivors must find the randomly placed Lament Configuration Box and solve it. If the puzzle box is ignored or Pinhead finds it first, all Survivors become susceptible to additional chains. Timestamps (updated soon ): 00:00 New Killer 00:00 Killer Perks 00:00 New Power 00:00 Gameplay 00:00 Mori animation 00:00 Addons breakdown Watch live: Join our community: