6 Hours Mix, Best of Two Steps From Hell, T. Bergersen N. Phoenix, 2006 2016
PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION Before some of you may complain: We know that these are by far not all songs and that there are many other incredible pieces from TSFH, Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix. But this video only contains the highest voted songs by the fans, based on the voting we did at the end of 2015. We ve included all songs that received 20 votes or more Songs with 2 different versions (like Children of the Sun None Shall Live) are only included as the vocal, choir version. So if songs you like are missed, we are sorry. We hope you enjoy this video anyway, it was a hard and time consuming work to put it together, but it also made a lot of fun TRACKLIST: Two Steps From Hell (Intro) 0:00 Sons Of War 1:02 Never Back Down 2:58 Colin Frake 5:53 Always Mine 8:50 Freedom Fighters 12:10 Rada 14:40 Blackheart 19:01 Two Hearts 23:28 Norwegian Pirate 27:42 False King 30:39 Starfall 32:57 The Hero In Your Heart 3