Feels like Maxime Sokolinski
Feels like I m missing the map of an unwinding road Feels like I m wasting my time, it s making me old Just like the lack of enlightenment, leaving so few Feels like i m losing the track leading to you Maybe you re going away cause nobody has dared to tell you this before But I don t care if you ignore me as long as you love me Feels like I m missing you re life I m bound to explode Feels like I m wasting my chance to be warmer than cold Just like the lack of affection dying alone It feels like I m losing myself it s time to go home. Maybe your going away cause nobody has dared to tell you this before Maybe you re staying away cause your scared of yourself more than you seem to know Maybe your going away cause there s no one to save you from your own demons But I don t care if you ignore me as long as you love me. Music video by Maxime Sokolinski and Eric Wagliardo