Frontier Airlines Flight Miami to LGA Deplaned After 15 Month Old Jewish Infant Did Not Wear Mask
The incident occurred on Sunday evening, on Frontier Airline flight F9 2878 from Miami International to La Guardia Airport. An eyewitness tells YWN that the flight attendants made an issue over an 15month old toddler that was not wearing a mask, despite airline regulations that clearly state that Face coverings are not required for children under the age of 2. They threatened to remove the Jewish family, and many other passengers, both Jewish and nonJewish began sticking up for them. The incident turned ugly, as people began screaming and protesting as they deplaned all passengers. One passenger began screaming that this was like Nazi Germany. Emotions ran high for some passengers, who have had family members murdered in the Holocaust, and were very taken at being singled out as a group without any logical explanation. Additional video footage shows a group of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews screaming at the airline staff in the terminal after deplaning. The eyewitness who spo