colo N playing deathmatch
Hi guys, I m introducing you to my new project where I will be featuring a series of players playing deathmatch. I thought coloN should have the honor of being the first player starring in my project, so here you go I m sorry about the numerous amount of demo bugs, such as CTs looking like Ts and the other way around. I would also like to inform people right away that the reason he keeps gaining HP is because the mod on the server gives a player extra health for each frag. Anyways, let me know what you think about it. Is it a total waste of time to watch people play deathmath, or do you want to see more players in the future I m looking forward to some great feedback, and I already have some demos ready for the next couple of weeks. All will be uploaded on my channel: to this playlist: That s all, thanks for your attention Music by Rollz http:, br, br,