Amazing Danser Encore Flash Mob 17 April 2021 Nijmegen The Netherlands
DANSER ENCORE WE DANCE ON WIJ DANSEN DOOR BAILAMOS EN (music: Danser Encore HK les saltimbanks) For a moment we broke through the silence and there was an HUGE EXPLOSION OF JOY: for the musicians without work, catering entrepreneurs without a terrace, the (too) small local shops, the student, for everyone who feels alone or has a difficult time. This is ALSO FOR YOU We hear you We see YOU. Let s remember having FUN. Any day, any time. NOW , flashmobgeneral , lovetrain , spreadhope , spreadjoy , wijdansendoor , danserencore , muziekverbindt , plezier, wekeepondancing , flashmobgeneralnijmegen , HK